Saturday, December 24, 2016


The annual holiday dilemma...


  1. We used to have a black cat named Blitz (as in bombing raid) who was built along the same lines as that cat. The women at the vet's office referred to him as "that enormous cat", and all of the others knew who was coming in. In his prime, he weighed 35 pounds, and bore a strong resemblance to a foot stool.

  2. We used to have a black cat named Blitz (as in bombing raid) who was built along the same lines as that cat. The women at the vet's office referred to him as "that enormous cat", and all of the others knew who was coming in. In his prime, he weighed 35 pounds, and bore a strong resemblance to a foot stool.

  3. We, too, had a 35lb lady cat, a temperamental tortie named Tess who the vet was always trying to put on a diet. Foiled, of course, by his little son's whispering to me that they had a big, fat cat at home, too. Ours was a barn cat, born on a farm near where we live now. She definitely ran the house, and when annoyed, would moo or bark instead of cat yowling at us.
