Thursday, December 8, 2016

This Can't End Well

I have three cats in my lap.


  1. Weather can account for stranger bed-fellows than politics.

  2. I take it the furnace isn't working? Time to cocoon in the room with the wood stove.
    So, all in one bed tonight?

  3. If not in one bed, at least in one room. The furnace guy left us a space heater.

    Personally I am sleeping on the sofa bed in the basement - next to the stove.

  4. Sympathies. We had enough heat to keep the pipes from freezing and lukewarm water for the first 3 months in this new-to-us house - and no working fireplace or oven. Space heaters and lots of woollies got us through the tail end of winter. Sure hope you get this sorted before the real thing arrives.

  5. Sorry to hear you are practicing Winter Survival Skills at home.

  6. We don't have a wood stove (one of the things for which I have been lobbying for lo! these many years) but we do have a fireplace in the living room, which can be closed off from the rest of the house. There is also a sofa bed in that room. We have a gas cooktop (electric oven) and the well is in the front yard.

    It is a real sign of country living that you consider a window over the toilet a "convenience". We can pour water directly into the tank to flush.

  7. Fireplaces look lovely, but an enclosed woodstove with a head-activated blower is HEAVEN.

  8. We have a gas fireplace that can be lit like a BBQ if the power fails. It was a compromise, but it works. Wish we had a gas stove. I'm working on the other half for a gas BBQ as it's better than nothing. What I really would love is an AGA with firebox, closest thing to my grandmother's old stove.
    Love those toasted kitty toes. Cats always get the best spot.

  9. I have a cookbook called something like "Good Food on the Aga." Are they wood-burning?

  10. Not any more. They're either gas or electric or gas burners/oven and electric add on. I guess what I want is an old Aga. Of course, at 5-$CDN15k for a stove, it would take a lottery win for me to actually pay that much for any appliance.
    This is like my grandmother's stove, except that the burners and oven were gas and hers was white with a bit of black trim.
    I think they don't make what I'd really want any more.

  11. It's the same for vintage (1950's) gas stoves here.

  12. Guess you have the best bet now. Either that or an old Quebec heater/potbellied stove with a cast iron top and door that opens for firewood or toasting bread if you're brave.
