Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Hairpin Lace - Curtain Tiebacks from 1953

From the January, 1953 issue of Workbasket magazine.  Two pages of instructions are on my Flickr account.


  1. I don't know how to knit or crochet, but I love hairpin lace. So delicate - almost ethereal.

  2. Who knew? I'm not a thread crocheter, and have only ever seen hairpin used with yarn for shawls back in the day. I wish there were a service that would crochet doilies (I have some 1930s ones in mind) for a fee as there are people who untangle yarn, finish knitting, and/or assemble sweaters knit in pieces. I have a pattern for a skyscraper inspired doily that I can only admire. Perhap's I'll frame so at least I get to see it.

  3. PS Did you see that a German shepherd won Westminster this year? He looks (to me) like you Hulk for colour and markings (forgive me, I'm a terrier person.) Beautiful dog.

  4. I have a hairpin lace fork (or whatever it is called) that came in a plastic tub of fabric, etc that I bought at a thrift store. I'm trying to convince our LYS that they need to offer a class. I know I'll never be able to figure it out on my own.

    Yes, saw some photos of the Westminster winner! nice dog but I hate those crouchy hips.

  5. I have a couple of old books with instructions and pics for using a hairpin fork, but, of course, they're showing them with yarn, not thread. I imagine the principle is the same. I'll look for you if you like. Oh, and I also have instructions for broomstick lace somewhere, too.

  6. Thanks for the offer -- actually I have a few books/mags with instructions as well, but unfortunately, I'm very bad at picking things up off the written page. I should probably try YouTube.
