Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Scrap Craft - A Coin Purse from 1953

A day late but maybe not a dollar short -- here's a coin purse for children, to make out of leather or felt scraps and decorate with buttons from Mom's stash.  From the February, 1953 issue of Workbasket, one page of instructions can be found on my Flickr account.


  1. That has all the earmarks of a Brownie Scout project. Or home-schooling. Easily hung from a belt, and you could possible make several, to go with different outfits.

  2. Wonderful project for kids, but the first thing my coffee deprived mind gave me was a picture of Katherine Hepburn in "Summertime", all perfect American mid-50s fashion and excellent American leather accessories. She could have worn this. I still want her handbag and hat.

  3. I can see this suspended from one of those wide 1950's belts.
