Saturday, July 8, 2017

The Dog And His Boy

Minnie, on the other hand, hid under the bed until almost an hour after they'd left.

Updated to add: they stopped off to see us on their way across the Mississippi to visit another sibling, and then stayed with us overnight on the way back to Detroit.


  1. Is that Bat ears? If it is, he seems to have come out of his shell since the last time I saw him. Aren't they sweet?

  2. I was quite pleasantly surprised because we don't get a lot of company and Batdog isn't around kids much. He and the twelve year old boy were inseparable. They even slept together although Nephew was careful to explain "I tried to make him get off the bed but he kept sneaking back on!"


  3. That child certainly has a way with animals.

  4. It almost makes up for his abhorrence of personal hygiene.

  5. Ah, he's 12. Wait 'til he learns girls don't like stinky boys. You'll never get in the bathroom again.
