Saturday, August 19, 2017

All Together Now - OOOOOOH!

From crochet artist extraordinaire Patricia Young, who finished the Workbasket Rose and Pineapple Doily I posted in May, and did so in under three months.  

"This was a real bear to finish and not something I would recommend to anyone other than an expert crocheter.  The instructions were not always very clear and a few times I had to rely on zooming in on the photo to see what was actually being done.  But it was fun and I was determined to finish it.  I hope you like it.  You can see the foot long ruler at the bottom of the picture to get an idea of its finished size."

And all I can say is "wow." Patty was nice enough to send me the photo and give me permission to share it. The original photo is shown below.


  1. That is a WOW piece! Thanks for showing it to us!

  2. Thanks for posting the picture, Shay and the nice comments. It was a fun challenge. Now if I can just figure out what to do with a yard-wide doily I will be all set. LOL

  3. Obviously, you have to go out and buy a table to fit it!

  4. Yes, a table and a tempered glass top so no critter (2 or 4 feet variety) gets at it and ruins it. This is a stunning piece.

  5. Lovely work. I understand the frustration - I simply can not figure out how to do a joined picot on a live ring on that rose tatted edging you past a while back. Any ideas?

  6. That sort of stick-to-it-ive-ness deserves lots of WOWs! I'd have lost my crochet hook, the yarn, and interest long before I finished. Congratulations, Patricia!

  7. Sam, can you quote the exact line of instructions you're having trouble with?

  8. R 9, 2 sm p sep by 9, 6ds, +p to last small p, 9, p, 9.
    I took it to mean join to the last picot made on the this ring to make a heart shaped petal. Am I wrong?

  9. I am wondering if they mean make a ring of: 9ds, p, 9ds, p, 6ds, picot into the previous small p, 9ds, p, 9 ds. Which would make the heart.

    I will have to sit down and try to work this one as just eyeballing it is rather beyond my abilities as a tatter.

  10. I'm also wondering if connecting a picot on a working ring is going to require a crochet hook and a lot of patience.

  11. I tried the crochet hook and patience. You can email me privately if you want.
    Would love your input because I do want to make this edging.

  12. Give me your email again...I tried it this morning and was almost able to make it work by tatting that ring as two separate chains.

  13. Oops, or email me -- blueprairie at yahoo dot com.
