Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Woman Proposes, Cat Disposes, con't

Since he can no longer easily jump up onto the nice comfy cushion I placed on the  patio chair, he took matters into his own paws this morning.


  1. Except for not having a kink in his tail, he looks exactly;ty like our elderly feral, Moe!

  2. He actually has a kink about one inch from the end of his tail - you can't really see it but it's there if you run your fingers down to the end. We've always wondered if he got it caught in a door when he was a kitten.

  3. Perhaps it's a hint that he'd like his own deck chair, perhaps kiddie height? He is lovely.

  4. Good color choice for His Royal Highness. And how kind of you to have left such a comfy cushion out for Himself.
