Monday, September 25, 2017

Connecting the Dots

1. Someone likes to push small objects off the dining room table and then bat them around on the floor.

2. I always put my car keys on the dining room table so I know where they are and can find them easily.

3. I was supposed to be at the Red Cross office at 0900 today.

4.  I only have one set of keys.

5.  At approximately 1430 I found them shoved under the table pedestal.

(yeah, like I even care, Ma).


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "Gotta love me, I'm cute." I think I know who is getting 2 new sets of keys, one duplicate and one for the go bag - and who isn't getting a cat treat this week.

  3. I would up spending half the day on the phone or the PC -- after biting my ankles didn't work, she got my attention by pulling the lamp off the computer desk.

    She's a little madam, she is.

  4. ha, ha! I too, used to just drop the keys on a table. Now I drop them in my bag and zip it closed. Saves trying to move the couch to get them back.

  5. We have a key rack behind the kitchen door, and the keys go there, and no other place. The Squire has a habit of putting his on the counter beside the door, which makes them handy if somebody opens the door and scoops them up. We also have keys to each other's car, so if the keys go missing, There's always another set.

    I never put my keys in my purse, per instructions from a police officer. If your purse is stolen, the crook has your keys, and your address, and you can't get home. Put them in your pocket, or - worse case scenario - trade keys with your companion. That way if your purse goes missing, the keys and the house won't match.

  6. The vet told me that my habit of using a spray bottle set on hard stream was OK because the zap of water came from nowhere, not from me, and it won't hurt anything but their feelings. I can zap a cat at over 20 ft. It mostly works except for the cheekiest of rogues. Perhaps a water pistol that looks like a six shooter is more your style?

  7. I have a spray bottle sitting on the counter -- problem is, I didn't catch her at it.

  8. Wonder if the little miss, aka future owner of the home and staff, would consent to wearing a fancy collar with a bell with a locater chip in it?

  9. I nailed her with the spray bottle this morning as she was snacking on one of the houseplants; I swear she's plotting some type of revenge.

  10. The second time the telephone repair man replaced the cord on my mother's wall phone, and told her the next one wouldn't be free, she painted the new cord with liquid liniment. Cruel, but it worked. This was the same cat who used to sit on top of her cactus garden, a real tough customer. I do love my critters, all of them and forever, but I'm getting old and cranky and don't have the same laissez faire attitude to their destructive ways any more (aka, I'm turning into my mother.)

  11. Doesn't she know you need the car to get cat food & treats?

  12. Food and treats appear magically, doncherknow.
