Thursday, October 5, 2017

Body Count

image from

Reserve Cat just killed and ate a kinglet and I'm waiting for him to throw it back up.  I had no idea the fat old bastard could still move that fast.


  1. That's really too bad. No matter how well fed they are, the instinct is still there. Can't blame the big boy, but it's still sad. I hope he has the decency to throw up outside. Mine usually pick a rug or a good piece of furniture to decorate.

  2. Every once in a while I'll find a mouse head under the dining room table. When we were first married we had a cat who brought in dead snakes and left the in the dining room. Not sure which is worse. Or why the dining room?

  3. Perhaps he thought it was an appetizer?

  4. Luckily The Maine Coons refuse to catch anything other than a feather wand. But my mom's cats would bring in mice, stunned birds and the worst? A bat. That led to a flying trip to the ER at 1am to make sure no rabies. The cat was so pleased with her kill, she would not drop it for an hour.
