Sunday, October 22, 2017

Completely Accidentally, I'm Sure

As soon as I started showing signs of being awake the other morning, Batdog -- as usual -- materialized at bedside and poked me with his nose.  Minnie got up from where she was sleeping across my ankles and strolled up and poked me with her nose.

I reached over to pet Batdog and Minnie shoved her head between my hand and his nose. Batdog stood up with his paws on the bed, glared at Minnie, and then fell over on top of her.


  1. And this is why we don't allow the animals on the bed!

  2. Good job, Batdog! I get the body slams from Boy Maine Coon followed by "songs of the hungry people" sung off key by Girl Maine Coon. All in the pre-dawn hours.

  3. Minnie has her hind feet in Bat Ears' ears - again. Looks like a not so subtle "you may be huge, but lady cats rule" message. At least they all get along.

  4. Yes, but look where he has his nose.

    They MOSTLY get along. Batdog isn't averse to trying to intimidate all three cats with his size.

  5. Our Forever Puppy used to make a game of snorting up the cats' backsides as they waltzed past him, snooty noses and tails in the air, showing off. Priceless. In exchange, one cat trained the dog to fetch green peas (which he conned out of me as he loved them) off the various edges of the kitchen table, and his brother used to scare the puppy by making witchy looking cat faces, all slanted eyes and laid back ears. And we think they spend their days just eating and sleeping.
