Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Say It Ain't So


  1. Whaaattt??? I think we have had enough.

  2. I believe he's still going by Tropical Storm #16 but he'll probably be baptized Nate sometime today.

    He's shifted course slightly and seems to be headed for New Orleans now.

  3. Surely there's somewhere else in the world that could do with the rainfall.

  4. Actually, parts of Maryland and Pennsylvania haven't had a drop of rain in 17 days. Things are getting crispy. We were hoping Maria would throw a bit in our direction on her way up the coast, but no such luck. If this latest storm wants to drop some moisture over here that would be appreciated. (Just don't overdo it, please we don't need 30 inches or anything of that sort.)

  5. Maryland, PA, and the PNW (wildfires).
