Monday, October 2, 2017

Vintage Advertising - Jello

From Woman's Home Companion, January 1921. I must say, she's dressed a lot snazzier than I am when I'm doing housework.


  1. I'd probably be OK with the skirt, but those heels and the vacuum-cleaner cord and hose? Don't think so!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. For the time, this WAS dressed down.

  4. Yes, those heels are far too frivolous, and that dress looks like silk foulard. Piffle.

  5. You miss the point.

    All your concerns would be appeased by Jello. No matter your concerns: Jello. Familial unrest? Jello. Split fingernails? Jello.

    As a Catholic girl who married a nice Protestant boy, I learned very quickly that there was is absolutely no occasion that doesn't require a generous application of Jello.

    Resistance is futile.

  6. As I have often pointed out to unbelievers from elsewhere, in the rural South and Midwest jello is technically a vegetable.

  7. Sisiggy, is he Lutheran, by any chance? As Shay said, jello is a vegetable. As for the way the lady is dressed, take all of the jeans and slacks out of your wardrobe, and a nice housedress is what you wear to vacuum. And always a hat if you go out in public. My grandmother could have well been the lady in that picture, and she wore a hat to the grocery store, even when I was a child. Mind you, when I was a kid the pterodactyl was still our national bird, but ..
