Monday, October 30, 2017

Vintage Advertising - Sunkist Lemons

From the Woman's Home Companion, January 1921.


  1. Reminds me of a lunch I had with my Proper Mannered Aunt in NYC. Her lemon slipped off her fork and flew across the room to land on a gentleman's plate. he accused his wife of doing this. My aunt just pretended nothing was amiss. Never saw her so flumouxed.

  2. That sounds just like my mother's advice for manners in decent company: never admit, never explain, and no one will notice you did anything wrong. She figured no one else was ever entirely sure of the 'correct' thing, so, as long as no one made a fuss, it was all good.
    That said, I've never seen a lemon fork before.

  3. This is an artfully done ad. I like how the various lemon suggestions are arranged in a semi-circle around the text. It does look like it's aimed at a certain type of person, on who is used to the finer things. So often the old ads annoy me with their chauvinism, but this one doesn't.
