Saturday, October 7, 2017

Where Is Wong Fu When You Need Him?

From the online Q & A site, Quora:

Question:  What is your opinion of drag queens around children?

Answer:  I'm against drag queens being exposed to children.  A lot could go wrong.

Nails could be broken, wigs pulled off, someone could get knocked off her heels.  Children are wild, irrational, and unpredictable, and their characters are still in the formative stages.  Someone fabulous could get hurt.


  1. Not to mention sticky hands all over the satin and sequins!

  2. Shiny, fragile things should be kept away from children.

  3. Drag Queens are wonderful shocks for shy children who learn that not everyone has to clamp down on their creativity or be that same. Good for mothers, too who gave up sequins when they had kids and forgot how to have a little fun.

  4. If you crave a taste of something smart, kind, dynamic and beautiful, in what seems an ever darkening present...check out Taylor Mac (as of yesterday a well deserved MacArthur recipient)

  5. bckstggrl: Now why didn't that exist when I was young enuf to get away with wearing some of it? And why don't ordinary people have costume parties any more?

  6. "And why don't ordinary people have costume parties any more?"
    They do - they're called Renaissance Festivals. Some of them DO actually have quite a bit of "Living History" going on, and 16th-century music, etc., but a good many of the patrons are there for the costume party. If you have a local one, check it out.
