Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Workbasket Magazines at the Antique Patterns Library

Last week I took all of my 1940's copies of Workbasket magazine that still needed to be scanned, placed them in a manila folder, and put them...


So until I find them again, here's a link to Vol 9, No 3 (March 1944), one of two vintage Workbaskets that APL has up on their website.

They recently acquired an almost-complete set of the little magazine, along with permission to copy them.  They've done two so far and I can't wait for the rest.


  1. Doncha love it when you put something a really good place? I can't tell you how many things I've lost over the years - and simply never found again.

  2. Look under the cat. Wish I could make that basket!
