Monday, November 27, 2017

The Usual Suspects

UPDATE:  I was congratulating myself on having caught Minnie red-pawed and then I came home today to find a strip of rubber matting on the landing covered with German Shepherd-sized tooth marks.


  1. Be careful who you blame. A friend with two daughters told me she overheard the little one telling the older one "I'll cry and mom will come and blame you and you'll be punished." Critters are at least as smart as children.

  2. Sounds like a dog to me....

  3. If something wrong was done in our house Mum punished both of us - no questions asked. She figured one of us had egged the other on, so we were both guilty. And generally, she was right!

  4. It's Murder on the Orient Express: they all did it. Rascals!
    I suggest red pepper, liquid linament, hot sauce - anything that bothers their noses more than yours.
