Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Current Events


  1. I've said before, when people ask "What would Jesus do?" remind them that turning over tables, and taking a whip to the crowd is not out of the question.

  2. It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven.
    Sounds like a suitable holiday greeting card message for some. Wonder if he knows the streets of heaven are paved with gold? (Sorry. I've been watching the news from Washington today and am full up to here with snark.)

  3. there is a story out there of st thomas church in washington dc with 4 different banners. the theme is of jesus doing a face palm - they call it "faithpalm" - over current issues. i think one of the was "he said what?" referring to our fearless leader and his followers.
    and while i have no direct knowledge, i'm pretty sure the answer to wwjd would not be the vitriol and unprecedented spiteful meanness and hatred some "christians" spew today.

  4. Quite a sense of humour for a church. Doubting Thomas is having a "He said what?" discussion?
