Friday, December 15, 2017

Quote Of The Day

photograph from The Telegraph (UK)

The true threat is the delusion that our opinion of science somehow alters its reality. ~ Katherine Hayhoe


  1. Sad that articles like this are necessary at the moment:

    Thanks for your post. It's encouraging to be reminded of the people who deal with reality and proven facts. (Go scientific method! Rah!)

    Happy Holidays!

  2. The Squire has a relative who firmly believes the earth is flat. The Bible speaks of the "four corners of the earth", and while he doesn't seem to think it is actually square, he holds fast to the idea is it flat. The apparent roundness is to test our faith.

    The man is an Air Force pilot!!

  3. why is science incompatible with god? when you explore science, the vastness, the intricacy, the delicacy, all of it, how is that inexplicable wonderfulness incompatible with god? he can do anything however he wants. why is science not a possible way?
    disclaimer - ms in geophysics, remedial math instructor, so darn entrenched in science and math; and the more i learn scientifically, the more i can go with a joyful, curious god of good. in opposition, the more i go with human nature, ala the past year of current american government and it's supporters, the less evidence i find for that.
    come on inner peace, i haven't got all day.

  4. why is science incompatible with god? when you explore science, the vastness, the intricacy, the delicacy, all of it, how is that inexplicable wonderfulness incompatible with god? he can do anything however he wants. why is science not a possible way?
    disclaimer - ms in geophysics, remedial math instructor, so darn entrenched in science and math; and the more i learn scientifically, the more i can go with a joyful, curious god of good. in opposition, the more i go with human nature, ala the past year of current american government and it's supporters, the less evidence i find for that.
    come on inner peace, i haven't got all day.

  5. This wrenches at my heart every time I see it. Did you know grizzlies and polar bears have started mating, making a new type of bear that is sort of beige and lives on land? God forgive us.

  6. "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." Albert Einstein.
