Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Seems As Though It Starts Earlier Every Year

cat butt sold separately

Three seed catalogs, delivered the day after Christmas.


  1. Judging by the difference between the flowers in the catalogues and the ones in my garden - if such a term can be applied to our yard! - I think those companies use professional models.

  2. You need to get the Scheepers seed catalog. Trust me - professional "models" were used. Disclaimer - my company prints the catalog.

  3. So tempting! We finally managed to clear a decade of deadwood and neglect out of our new back garden. It's turned over, beds ready - and pretty empty except for a few new shrubs. I'm on the hunt to replace 2 favourite roses, and to find milkweed and other native plants and grasses. Dreaming of spring and forgetting the hard work that comes with gets me through the winter.

  4. Burpee has a new zinnia, and an eggplant they promise is never bitter, and the 'Chianti' sunflowers look enticing, and...

  5. Get thee behind me. It's not nice to tease a gardener.

  6. David Austin Roses....just saying....
