Monday, January 15, 2018

January 15th

Of course, all I am doing today is knitting preemie hats for the AHA.  Does that count?


  1. You bet it does. You are doing something necessary for the good of other people. Doctor King would approve!

  2. I've joined our church's prayer shawl group, knitting shawls for people who are in the hospital, have lost a loved one, had a baby, or just need a portable hug.

    Lord, you have taught us that all our doings without love are nothing worth:
    send your Holy Spirit and pour into our hearts that most excellent gift of love,
    the true bond of peace and of all virtues, without which whoever lives is counted dead before you. Grant this for your only Son Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen

  3. There's nothing "only" about keeping a baby's head warm. Every act of kindness counts.

  4. Knitting for preemies really counts as you just cannot buy things small enough for them.
    Me, I'm looking at my cotton fabric stash (shame) and assessing the latest winter fleece sales with an eye to charity sewing for the Dress A Girl international charity and winter stuff for local Mission.

  5. Knitting or sewing clothes for Preemies count. I have 1 BFF who had 2 preemies and one sister who had a Super Preemie. Knit away, Shay, knit away!

  6. Bless all the people who are using their knitting and crochetting skills to help others, whether tiny babies or the homeless or elderly, etc.
    I donated to Sandy Pines Wildlife Refuge because their barn burned down over the weekend & I wanted to help them rebuild quickly.

  7. Amen to all of this. I'm keeping a copy of Lady Anne's prayer.
