Wednesday, January 24, 2018

People Food

Dad's got pizza!


  1. Looks about right: Dad's eating, so it must be good and he'll give us some because he's soft, not like Mum. Where's the rest of the crew?

  2. If Dad is not willing to share with Two Starving Kittens, Dad should not eat on the bed.

  3. Minnie, as I think I have mentioned before, is a greedy little girl and will eat (or at least try) almost anything if you're eating it.

    Sheba and Reserve Cat have more pride.

  4. What I love is that I was able to capture the look on Minnie's face (if you click and enlarge the photo).

  5. I definitely need a nap. I've looked at the photo a half-doze times and did not see that it was a cat AND a dog. I only saw one cat. (And so did Sam.)

  6. Looked to me the first time like Minnie had her mouth wide open, yelling at Dad, probably something like "Cats First!", but then I thought, no, couldn't be that lucky to get the shot.

  7. Actually, that is Minnie with her mouth wide open. I can't believe I got that lucky, either.
