Monday, January 22, 2018

Vintage Advertising - Crisco

From an online magazine that I forgot to note down, darn it.


  1. Sounds tasty. I may have to try that one. A lot of older recipes are too hi-cal for today's taste.

  2. My ancestors are Brits. I know steamed in a pudding basin or steamed in a cloth. What was this steamed in? Wish I had this recipe when I had blackberry canes and gave most of the crop to neighbours with children.

  3. That does sound tasty! @ Bunnykins, the recipe says a "mold," and the batter sounds too liquid for cloth, so I'd guess your pudding basin would be what they're talking about.

  4. Basin it is as that's easy. Wonder if I could find a vintage 2 part mold. Any excuse to root through a flea market.
