Saturday, February 3, 2018



  1. Who will get the bigger surprise, the pouncer, or the pouncee who can hear him coming?

  2. I know when Minnie hits me amidships at 2am it's always a surprise.

  3. And that, Shay, is why they invented doorknobs. My cat decided to sleep with me when the Squire was having surgery on his shoulder. I didn't mind if the blasted animal would be still, but every time I turned over, he was on top of me, presumably to make sure I was OK.

    He now spends his nights in the kitchen.

  4. It was a choice between the midnight oofs and listening to them stick their paws under the door and shake it all night.

  5. Bubble wrap. That is what my sister and I use to keep the Maine Coons away in the pre-dawn hours. Little Miss will jump over the bubble wrap trap to cuddle up before singing the song of "The Hungry People'. Big Man will either sit on the bubble wrap or think it is lava and walks away. Most fun? When they ambush the other to start the 3 floor game of "Tag". All human feet should be in the up position.

  6. Unfortunately, Eddie sits outside the door and yodels. If that doesn't work, he starts clawing at the Karastan. Maybe I'll try the bubble wrap.

  7. The problem is, they don't respond to reason and they're relentless.

  8. That's when the spray bottle of water and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice is deployed. They don't like the water but when they lick it off....the faces they make at the taste of the lemon....priceless. After a while, they will squish up the face as you squirt them. Some even stop when the bottle is picked up.

  9. Thanks for the tip. I have the spray bottles, so lemon it is.
