Friday, February 16, 2018

Quote Of The Day

image from Wikipedia

I will not be lectured about what our military needs by a five-deferment draft dodger. ~ LtCol Tammy Duckworth


  1. God Bless our Military. They deserve so much more than what they are getting from our government.

  2. I work with veterans sometimes in my developmental math classes - high school math review for college students. so far, they have been the most hardest working students, outside of nurses wanting to upgrade their degree. my MIL, FIL, grandfather, and various cousins served in various branches. i have severe feelings about the orange unit trying to characterize them with his own brush. no, they aren't all saints, and i can't really say anything because my vision prescription does disqualify me - so I try not to. But, to praise them and then cut programs for their health and their families is evil. i also work in this class with students who are children of veterans. their healthcare (tricare) cuts off at 18 - unlike the rest of us who can carry our children until 26.
    grrrgrrr sorry. healthcare and lack of common sense about it is one of my buttons. just slap me now. sorry.

  3. I'd rather slap someone else, Sharon. No prizes for guessing who.

  4. A most admirable woman who survived a smear campaign (not patriotic! grr) loss to another candidate, rose again and ran for senate - and won. Those 6'6" man mountain types are no match for Tammy Duckworth when it comes to commitment, courage and just plain grit. Now she's going to be the first sitting Senator to have a baby. Is there anything she cannot do?
    P.S. Shay - If you ever get the chance, give him a good backhander for me.

  5. Ah, yes. Captain Bonespurs has met his match. Tammy Duckworth is one powerful lady!

  6. I second Bunnkins' request to backhand someone. Unless one has done a tour of service, one should keep one's mouth shut and just think your criticisms in your brain.
