Thursday, April 12, 2018


And in other news -- it snowed last weekend.  I spent this afternoon out in the back yard, wearing a tank top and pedal pushers.

According to an ominous email I got from the National Weather Service, it's going to snow again this weekend.


  1. Are you SURE you don't live in Maryland?

  2. now looks as though the worst of it will stay north and west of us, and we'll just get lots of rain and cold.

    Kansas -- according to Fred The Preparedness dog, their KDHE mascot -- faces the possibility of thunderstorms, blizzards, wildfires AND tornadoes this weekend.

  3. I'm waiting for the plant sale at the local botanical garden in May. The first one of the year was Friday, April 13, but there's no way anything bought yesterday would survive outside until the regular planting weekend of May 25.
    What's wrong with Kansas just got a whole new meaning.

  4. Given that Kansas is right next to Oklahoma, I'm surprised earthquakes weren't on the list.
