Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Aunt Martha's Workbasket, December 1936

A festive-looking offering, but with disappointing contents.  A few crochet and embroidery projects, and instructions for making the poinsettia on the cover, but the bulk of the magazine is given over to mail-order patterns.  Free pdf available for download at the Antique Patterns Library.


  1. Well, rats. I was hoping there's be a pattern for that little baby doll on the cover. As you said, most of it was for patterns to order. Even if they were still available, they'd be a smart bit more than 10 cents each!

  2. I thought the hairstyle with a headband on the doll head on the right side of the page looked 1920-ish, so thought I'd see how old Aunt Martha's is. Here's a link.
    This #4 edition isn't mentioned; guessing it's a Christmas special they threw together.
    BUT, there's a box on the left side of the page with a "looking for patterns from Aunt Martha's, join this Yahoo group", so maybe you'll have some luck with the doll.
    You never know what you'll find in an Aunt Martha's booklet. I bought one for autumn flowers for the table and found out they were made from rick rack, only to see the same pattern in a 60s Big 4 pattern for decorating hats and purses, and again not too long ago when rick rack flowers were the 'in' thing for brooches or sewn onto clothes for the young.

    I'm so glad Shay got a box full of these and keeps putting them up as they're a treasure hunt.

  3. Thanks for posting these, even if they are not as chock full of patterns as one would like.
