Thursday, July 5, 2018


This was our house yesterday.


  1. Oh, poor baby. The vet told us to give my forever puppy a benadryl to calm her down once she grew up and weighed enough so it wouldn't hurt her. She used to snore through the fireworks instead of vibrating.

  2. Regular over the counter strength?

  3. Regular Benadryl that gives the dosage for children over 12 and adults as one to two of the pink capsules every 4 to 6 hours. We gave her one only about a half hour or so before the fireworks started when she was about 30 or 35 lbs, and still only one when she got to be 50 lbs.
    I'm assuming only the English/French label is different and the product is the same, 25 mg of something printed in 1 pt type that looks like diphenhydramine,hydrochloride.
    Hope this helps as I hate to see a frightened, hiding puppy.

  4. The Maine Coons have spent a ton of time in the past month, in the basement. Jerk around the corner sets off 2 firecrackers every evening about 10pm. If I knew where he lived, I'd need bail money.

  5. Our next door neighbours used to set off fire works all night - some of them powerful enough to rattle the vibration sensor on our alarm system. A couple of years ago the house across the street was purchased by a county deputy sheriff. Come 11 PM silence reigns.
