Saturday, September 29, 2018



  1. Oh, that is funny! The Squire saw a lizard this morning that had caught a cricket. The insect was far too big, and the lizard was banging his head against stones to try to either dislodge it or break it up. He was going to try to catch the lizard and try to help, but it skittered under a log.

  2. It's real? I've never seen a small one and thought it was something out of a kid's toy set.
    Poor kitty: first jangley tags so they know he's coming, and now this indignity.

  3. When we lived in North Carolina, we had little green lizards all over the outside of the house. They drove the cats crazy.

  4. My grandfather used to tell us about living in a tent in North Africa during WWI before being assigned to Europe. He said it was hard to sleep because the lizards would climb the inside of the tent and fall off on people in the middle of the night. And here I thought spiders were bad.

  5. Oh, the geckos in Okinawa in the barracks did that all the time. You got used to it and they really weren't that bad - they were shy and non-poisonous, and they ate bugs.

  6. My grandfather was from the NW of Ireland near the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic, born before partition. Give him sheep or horses or dogs, and he was fine. Heat and lizards, not so much. He'd probably never seen a lizard before, either.

  7. I think a lot depends on the size. One of the geckos in my room in Okinawa was pretty big - I think about 24 inches, nose to tail (of course, half of that WAS tail).

  8. Last lizard story. When my mum went to Oz to visit her cousin outside of Sydney, cousin had a very large lizard shared between her garden and the next one over. Yes, it age bugs, yes, it was huge and, yes, mum freaked. Garden tortoises were more her style.
    A 24" gecko must weigh a lot, like literally being sand bagged. I'll stick with the neighbourhood raccoons, bunnies and chipmunks instead.

  9. This one looks like an anole, the little green lizards found in Florida and other southern states. They used to be sold in pet shops here in the north. Some people misidentify them as chameleons, but they are no relations.
