Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Other Crafts - A Cat String Bag

From Holiday Handicraft, by Nina R. Jordan.  This book, which is full of vintage holiday projects for children, can be borrowed from Open Library.

"The cat's head string holder hangs from a nail and holds a ball of twine.  The end of the twine comes out through the cat's mouth.

First make a pattern by drawing the cat's head on heavy paper.  Make it about 9 inches wide and 8 inches from forehead to chin.  When you have drawn a satisfactory pattern, mark it off on two pieces of yellow or white oilcloth.  One piece is the front of the cat's head, the other is the back.  

The cat's eyes should be 2 inches apart.  Paint them in with black enamel; also paint nose and mouth."


  1. And if you tie a feather to the end of the string, you have one FAB cat toy!

  2. Looking at this pattern, I am thinking that for optimal string "pullage," you would want to put the slit closer to the bottom on the back - to take advantage of gravity.

    On the other hand, this is the sort of dorky hand-made grandma gift that the recipient going to cherish no matter what. I made my dad a pencil holder for his desk when I was about 10, by covering an orange-juice can (they used to be metal, not paper) with wrapping paper and glueing a ribbon to it. He was still using that pencil holder when I moved out of the house twelve years later.
