Friday, October 5, 2018

Quote of the Day

Silence does not make mistakes. ~ Hindi proverb


  1. oh, so much. whether it was he said or she said, a judge who reacts with such venom and denigration against the victim of a crime is not someone who should be sitting on the highest court. maybe he wasn't the one committing (which i doubt personally) but a judge should be less of a three-year old reacting.
    now, there are a lot of other issues like you think your little girls deserve this, you think any little girl deserves this just for going to a party with beer, yes i have sons and i could worry about false accusations (actually i don't much because of special needs), but you teach them what "no means no" exactly for any situation and way, way, way more little girls have been destroyed by this, or not believed, or don't tell their fathers trying to protect their fathers.....the list goes on. and yes, at my age i think a 15 year old is a little girl.
    but i'll try to stick with judicial temperament.
    this guy is not of that.

  2. It is ironic that, since ancient Greece, Justice has been portrayed as a woman, a goddess, or, really, several goddesses who assess truth and mete out punishment where due.
    My sympathies to all, even those who got what they wanted, as it's always good to be careful in what you ask for.

  3. My heart breaks over this. I'd say 75% of the country thinks Kavanaugh is a creep, but Congress is going to go ahead with it. Even some women have agreed to vote for him. The only thing in our favor - that is the country in general and women in particular - is that he's only one of nine. We can all pray he gets outvoted.

    And be thankful to whatever power you believe in that none of us are married to that creep. Have you been watching her face during the hearings? She looks appalled. Is it that she's just finding out what sort of person her husband is?

  4. Article from the cable news this evening. At least both of Maryland's senators voted against the creep.

  5. When he was arguing back at the senators, especially the women ones, you could see him acting like the spoiled teenager he was, and still is at his core. And spouting paranoid, conspiracy stories is not a way to show how even his temperament is. His backers were determined to get him onto the SC, no matter what and it's unfortunate that so many senators went along with it.

  6. I absolutely cannot believe Collins voted for him. I had considered her to be relatively sane.

  7. The reaction from the Republicans on Kavenaugh's win is very childish and totally inappropriate. The split in our Nation is getting wider by the day. I pray that the Republicans get some very unpleasant surprises on election day.
