Wednesday, October 31, 2018

"They reminded me of the chalk outlines detectives draw around a dead body."

Matt  is a volunteer from our region. 

...every one of the buildings that housed and served what must have been a beautiful place pre-Hurricane Michael, is severely damaged or...just gone. Erased.  Deleted from the face of the earth.

Totally and absolutely gone. ~ Matt Swaney


  1. I'm so sorry to hear that. I wish them a speedy and complete recovery. My dad was volunteering to help rebuild in Mississippi ten years after Katrina.

  2. We adore the Forgotten Coast and have spent time from Alligator Point on the east over to Port. St. Joe/Cape San Blas on the west. We're just heartbroken over the devastation this region has been hit with. Both the human and ecological toll will take decades to recover.

  3. I hope if/when they rebuild, someone has a good look at the type of houses that Habitat for Humanity has built to withstand hurricanes, and they're affordable. People just can't have their lives destroyed every few years.
    This is heartbreaking.

  4. Wrong link; it's a pdf at http://www.hsdl.ord/?view&did=10233
    Under the heading Habitat Houses Stand Against Hurricanes.
    They show two houses,one built under current standards, and one built to their standards; theirs was still intact after Florence.

  5. I honestly don't "get" people who want to rebuild in such a dangerous area - not that anyplace is safe from Mother Nature's ire. One hurricane would be plenty for me, thank you VERY much.
