Thursday, November 22, 2018

It's Deja Vu All Over Again

I will be spending Thanksgiving Day conducting a vehicle inventory.


  1. Inquiring minds want to know what the devil your fork is stuck in. I'm assuming it's vegetable. At least the rest is real food, not some reconstituted pap.
    The Girl Guides should assign your blog as reading for the children to see what real life service and survival skills look like. Perhaps they'd understand better what earning badges is all about, that's it's not all drama. Brava, Shay.

  2. Before you heap too many kudos on my blushing brow -- if I didn't enjoy it, I wouldn't do it :-)

  3. The fork is stuck in what may or may not have been green bean casserole. After the second bite, I still couldn't tell, so I just ate the roll and the sweet potatoes.

  4. Sorry about the meal. I've never seen a green bean casserole this side of the border. To me, it's that you do volunteer when thousands wouldn't even if they could that counts, and you do it without looking for personal glory.
