Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Aunt Martha's Workbasket, August, 1937

Volume 1, No 11, which if my calculations are correct (and there's no guarantee of that) is the August 1937 issue. In this eight-page little booklet, readers could find patterns for a late summer blouse in shell stitch, a collar and cuffs, and a pan holder.  The only non-crochet pattern was for "From The Land Of Cherry Blossoms" in embroidery, the next in the magazine's round-the-world children's series. 

This pdf can be downloaded (free) at the Antique Patterns Library site.


  1. Thanks for the link. I really like the old crochet patterns, the stitch pattern as you just don't see these intricate looking patterns any more, even though they're relatively simple to do.

  2. If you have not already done so, hie thee over to the Purple Kitty site. Her vintage crochet pattern collection is awesome.
