Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Cross-Stitch - a Tea-Cosy to Make for Mother

From Flora Klickmann's The Little Girl's Sewing Book, full of projects that are deemed simple enough to be tackled by pre-teens.  The cozy is on page 47 of the free Gutenberg ebook.  

Sunday, January 27, 2019

eheu fugaces labuntur anni

I was glancing through our little local weekly and ran across the photograph of a smiling young woman who was being honored at Senior Night for the high school's basketball players.

I can remember attending her baby shower. 

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Friday, January 25, 2019

Quotation of the Day

h/t to Sgt Scholar's FB page

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Can't Believe We Haven't Lost The Internet Yet

"Our snow was not only shaken from whitewash buckets down the sky, it came shawling out of the ground and swam and drifted out of the arms and hands and bodies of the trees; snow grew overnight on the roofs of the houses like a pure and grandfather moss, minutely ivied the walls and settled on the postman, opening the gate, like a dumb, numb thunderstorm of white, torn Christmas cards." Dylan Thomas

Saturday, January 12, 2019


And in other news, Batdog figured out some weeks ago that when he's tired of puppy antics, he could simply hop up on the bed, since Little Man was not able to get up there by himself.

Until last night.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Quote Of The Day

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to decieve. ~ Sir Walter Scott

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Aunt Martha's Workbasket, September 1937

A nice grab-bag of projects, including buttons and toys from walnut shells and other found objects, a swagger coat in crochet, a dazzling "Star of Stars" quilt, the usual offensive racial stereotype embroidery pattern, and much more.  Free download at the Antique Pattern Library.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Vintage Advertising - Bon Ami

This one is from the Woman's Home Companion, from the Google Books digitized volumes January-June 1921.  The colors jump right off the page on this one.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Getting Her Coming and Going

For what they undoubtedly think are good and sufficient reasons, the cats still yowl and hiss at Little Man.  For what he undoubtedly thinks are good and sufficient reasons, whenever one of them does this Batdog goes after the offending cat.

He chased Sheba down the basement stairs this evening, and by some strange circumstance Little Man was already waiting at the bottom.  

It was like a rundown, but noisier, and with no third base umpire.