Monday, January 7, 2019

Vintage Advertising - Bon Ami

This one is from the Woman's Home Companion, from the Google Books digitized volumes January-June 1921.  The colors jump right off the page on this one.


  1. I've never thought to use it on windows and mirrors, but I do use Bon Ami on just about everything else. I really is great stuff. (Unsolicited testimonial, there.)

  2. And I've never used it for anything but glass, windows and mirrors. Whitework? Is that wood trim that's painted white? Does it clean tarnish from brass/copper and shine steel? I use Goddards for brass/copper/silver and marble.
    Somebody please tell me how to clean a steel fridge door. We have stinky oily stuff that i can't use because of the smell and it leaves fingermarks. Steel appliances were invented by someone who never cleaned anything. My jobs when little were dusting and using the Bon Ami to clean the lower windows and mirrors. It works and it lasts a long time.
    There's yellow, but no chick in that ad.

  3. Love the color combination! May have to save to use for costumes down the road.
    One can not clean a steel fridge door, one should just hide it with pictures and magnets.

  4. Good idea. Fridge posters coming to a space near me soon. Maybe a moon and a rocket ship, silent movie style.
