Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Frame Of Reference

GSD needlepoint pattern from Pinterest

Little Man and I attended his first Puppy Life Skills class at the kennel club this evening.  One of the other students is named Bader.

Me:  Bader, as in Douglas Bader the World War II RAF ace?

Other owner:  Ah..no. Bader as in Harrison Bader, center fielder for the St Louis Cardinals.


  1. Interesting. Looked them up as I'm not up on either's achievements. Born almost a century apart. I hope the younger has as good a career as the elder. I think my mother was named after Major-General Sir Jocelyn Percy as I cannot believe anyone sane would give that name to a girl. And my grandmother (her mother) had a cat that would roll over on his back when she told him to "die for your King and Country." Yep, not quite normal.

  2. It's always interesting and, sometimes startling, to learn about people's frame of reference, which often vary so far from our own.
