Sunday, February 10, 2019

Watch This

Watch it to the very end.


  1. What a wonderful tale! My husband and I have been searching our histories for ages, and I hope we can find something as inspiring as this to hand on to our children and our children's children. Thanks, Shay!

  2. I haven't traced my family back very far, in part because, on my father's side, the men who were heads of household tended to pass down the same two names to their sons, making it confusing to figure out which one was which even with old census records which aren't perfect. Then there's the small matter of fearing to find something like this:

  3. I can trace my dad's side back to 1626. My mom's side - not so far. Hard to do when one branch was Jewish in Russia/Poland in the 1860's.

  4. Thanks for sharing that. It's good to see people extend the meaning of family.
