Monday, March 18, 2019

But The Snakes Get All The Press

Amazing the things I learn on social media - yesterday was also the Feast of St Gertrude (patron saint of cats).


  1. I follow a comic called Breaking Cat News. The cats in this comic filled me in all about St. Gertrude. They refer to the day as "St. Catty's Day". It is celebrated by cats (and snakes) all over the world. At least, according to the cats in the comic strip.

  2. Well, this settles it. The next lady cat I get will be called Gertie. My life has been graced by Suzie, Fatima, Tess, Jasmine, and now, Little Bit and Cleolita - so why not?

  3. Bars could start serving green milk. It can't be any more disgusting than green beer.
