Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Le Jour de Gloire Est Arrive

The wheel broke on my suitcase (too many Red Cross deployments, I guess) and Brian made me buy a new one.  As he is under the misapprehension that my niece is a helpful child, he didn't want her having to drag it around France for me.

(Batdog recognizes the significance of the suitcase and he's curled himself up on the bed in the tiniest ball possible for a 70-lb German shepherd, and has his Early Christian Martyr look on).


  1. Poor lonely Pup! Oh wait - Dad's in charge....bye Mom!

  2. Our dog is a real mamma's boy! He was whining at 4:30 this morning, so The Squire dragged himself downstairs, turned off the alarm and opened the door for the dog to go out. Blazer looked at the door, looked at Poppa, and raced back upstairs. Apparently, he is firmly convinced that if he goes outside, Poppa will never let him back inside again.
