Friday, May 31, 2019

Hazards to Navigation

Not to mention housework.


  1. I see this and raise 2 Maine Coons shedding with hair balls on various surfaces (all depends on the time of day). Plus toys and odd sleeping spots.

  2. Our dog isn't so bad, but the cat! Oh, that cat! He runs ahead of you and then stops dead, so you trip over him. He's a black cat, and this trick is even more effective in the dark. Over the years I've learned to walk with a shuffle so I don't fall over the beastie. And, Shay you know all about trying to make the bed with the cat "helping" you. Aargh.

  3. Cats being under the radar are of course somewhat more lethal than dogs.

  4. Cats are more lethal because they are tiny Ninjas out to dominate the world. The dog just wants to be with you, not kill you.
