Wednesday, July 17, 2019

I'm Not Saying It's Hot Out

when the coolest place in the house is the floor of the shower in the basement.

...but two Hobbits just threw a ring into my back yard.

How hot is it where you are?


  1. Oklahoma City, Monday was a hundred and whatever, somewhere between one and five depending on who's reporting. I just call it Too Damn Hot. The rest of the week is supposed to be 90's with scattered clouds and miserable humidity. We aren't quite Louisiana muggy but it gets really close at times. Next week is supposed to be upper 80's and a little more tolerable. Personally, I get whiny at about 75 and 80's make me hide in the AC. It is staying in the 80's at night so AC is a basic necessity anymore.

    I lived in WA state for twenty years because I hated the summers here. Coast side didn't really need air conditioners and the other side... Let's just say summer there lasts about a month or so, hundreds sometimes, and gets around high 60's to low 70's at night. We had to us the AC more because we lived in Grand Coulee and the smoke from any surrounding wildfires gets trapped there, hard to breathe if you have asthma. And the city sprayed for mosquitoes at night and I really didn't want to breathe that in either.

    Two of my dogs were born there and don't really like the heat here, and one is a stray I adopted last year from here. He was out in the wild long enough that he just won't do any weather and wants back in almost immediately after going out. Any time of year, he is just that done with weather!

  2. So Connecticut is in the upper 80's with a heat index of mid-90's today. However, the Texas style of heat and oppresive humidity will make it feel like 110 over the weekend. I expect the Maine Coons to hang in the basement as we do not have A/C, just fans. Anyone who says climate change is not real is a fool.

  3. Just north of Baltimore it is currently 88, with 78% humidity. The heat index is 102.

    And Sam, any time Alaska has temps in the 90s pretty much proves climate change is *real*.

  4. It's only about 76 F here now, going up to about 88 with high humidity. Same, with lots more rain for the rest of the week. It was hotter yesterday. The garden has never looked greener than this year with so much more rain than normal.
