Friday, July 12, 2019

Quote Of The Day

Minnie and Sheba at the vet's yesterday

If all else fails - duck.  As a defensive stratagem it's unreliable but incredibly re-assuring for a moment or two. ~ Murphy's Laws of Combat


  1. Had to take my Lab/Golden last week for her annual checkup. She behaved but actually turned down the cookies they offered! She never turns down a cookie, lol. All was well though so it's okay.

  2. We used to have a dog that loved going to the vet, which was just as well as the poor girl had something similar to sickle cell anemia. Every two weeks we'd going up to the office, and she'd bolt out of the car and push against the door. When you have 90-some pounds of I-want-to-go-in and the door opens outward, it can be tricky. She'd race in, past the other animals and the receptionist and plop herself down in the treatment room for her blood-draw. A few seconds later she'd come back out with a treat.

    She only lived five years, but she was happy and well-loved.

  3. We have had many cats - some got the dreaded orange sticker on their file - "Bites Vets". That family became the trial by fire for new vets and vet techs. Now Little Miss Maine Coon just closes her eyes and pretends she is elsewhere while Mr. Man purrs so much the vet can't hear his heart.
