Friday, August 9, 2019

Quote Of The Day


  1. Is this what is meant by "Make America Great Again"?

  2. I shared your quote of the day on my Facebook page. There, I am identified as Edward Kimmel or (a name I somehow picked up permanently during "Pirate Week.")
    If you would like for me to take it down, I will.
    I am the husband of your fan, Peggy Clarke.

  3. Ed, I saw the Anne Frank quote on FB a few seconds after seeing that child's photo on Yahoo. I hope someone takes it and makes a meme of it and plasters it all over the Internet.

    I am at the point where I want to beat the next person I see in a
    MAGA hat to death with my cane. In my 64 years on this planet, never did in my wildest nightmares did I imagine my country would come to this.

  4. I'm with you, Shay. I am sooo ashamed of my country right now.

  5. I also posted the comment to my blog, but used a different photo. It is simply heart wrenching. (Did you ever notice we never see the faces of the ICE people? If they are ashamed, why do they do it?

  6. What is happening, taking children from their parents? It's shameful. It breaks my heart that kids went to the first day of school and came home to an empty house. No explanations, no guardians, no warnings. There is no excuse for this.

  7. Ordinarily, any person who did this would be charged with child abandonment or child neglect.
    No government should be allowed to ignore the law.(unprintable comment deleted.)

  8. We need to not be silent, to raise our voices, to ask why the employers were not arrested. Heart breaking.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. I will try to find the link - but I read online yesterday that 300 of the 680 were released. They were legitimate residents or green card holders but ICE's plan is evidently "grab them all, who cares how many kids we scare half to death?"
