Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Aunt Martha's Workbasket - April, 1937

Not much in this month's issue - lots of transfers to write for, but the actual projects are two crochet (one dress, one vanity set) and a quilt pattern for Grandmother's Tulip that looks more like a trumpet vine, but maybe that's just me.

Free download at the Antique Pattern Library.

1 comment:

  1. I always end up reading the tips and letters, like the how to lift an invalid out of bed or the letter from a 'down and out woman' who held her chin up by making pot holders. So little money for so much work, but, as my mum would say, might as well make yourself useful instead of just sitting there doing nothing. The world would grind to a stop if not for women.
    Thanks for this. I always enjoy them.
