Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Aunt Martha's Workbasket - May 1937

Another issue of Workbasket magazine - this has what I would say is the epitome of "between the wars" quilt on the cover, the "Basket of Daisies" pattern to piece and applique inside.

There are the usual pattern offers, instructions (with no illustration) on how to make organdy carnations, and a crochet table mat project.  There's a teaser about the next month's Workbasket that will include "Hollywood's Latest - A lightweight coat that breathes cleverness and last minute style." 


  1. Where would we be without "last minute style"?

  2. This year's teddy bear jackets vs vintage coats made from muslin tufted with candlewick. Not quite the same, but close enough given the improvement in materials.
    I can understand why some people collect vintage quilts. I want that flower basket one.

  3. It's a peach, isn't it?

    So far as I am concerned the Workbaskets before the late forties are worth it only for the quilt patterns, there's not a whole lot of "there" there (as Gertrude Stein said about Oakland, California).
