Thursday, January 23, 2020



  1. After The Squire and I watched the Myth Busters show about water droplets splashing into the room when the toilet is flushed, we decided the seat goes down every before you flush. Every. Single. Time. It took a little while for him to remember, but it's worth the trouble in the long run. No more cold toilet seats, and no more falling into China in the middle of the night!

  2. ah. used to own a definitely historic forest service cabin that had been the grocery store/pool hall for a 1903 tie hack camp in the mountains of wyoming. summers spent restoring it - cleaning up years of just stuffing things every which way to survive - winters were for fun. we'd ski in hauling water on sleds - very historic and we didn't have snow mobiles. first chore was to shovel out the path to the outhouse. that was a chilly toilet seat in the outhouse. when we bought it, there was a crochet cover on the seat with dubious smudges. we opted to go cold rather than covered.
    a good way to introduce young scouts to the life their ancestors would have had - yep, coleman lanterns were a miracle over kerosene lanterns and candles and indoor plumbing was a major major miracle in general.

  3. Back in the day (late 1960's) our local Girl Scout Council had an annual winter camping event called the February Freeze-in. We were in hard-backed tents over a wooden floor, cooked in a firepit, shat in two-holers - basically froze to death and thought it was great fun.

    Man, kids are stupid.
