Thursday, February 6, 2020



  1. Yep. Mine was a 4:30am wake-up yowl from Little Miss Maine Coon. Followed by a 60 minute nap on my lap.

  2. I'm afraid my bladder wakes me up between 2-4am every night whether I want to get up or not. This is the downside of an increased life expectancy.

  3. I used to get up and get half dressed, then wake the girls so I could start breakfast. They would finish up and get on the school bus after I left for work. I was standing in the hallway, and reminded them to pull themselves together while I found a dress to wear. The eldest, who was about 8, heaved a big sigh.

    "I get part of me pulled together and the rest of me falls apart."

    Just you wait, kiddo, just you wait!
