Tuesday, March 3, 2020

A Dish Best Served Cold

Robert Smalls, born into slavery in 1839, escaped from the South in 1861 by stealing a CSS supply ship and, with a slave crew, piloting it to freedom.  After the war he bought his former master's house in Charleston to live in.


  1. Did you read the Wiki entry on him? He was successful on so many levels. Just giving people a chance to learn and be part of society works wonders. Or, as my mum would say "Fortune favours the brave."

  2. Karma and hard work - gotta love it!

  3. Part of me is rubbing it's hands with glee over the fact that Small was possibly the grandson of his former master. There is a sort of ripe and fruity justice to his being able to purchase and live in his white grandfather's house.
