Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Dolls & Dollhouses - Some Furniture from 1936

right-click to enlarge for a better view of these charmers

"Don't throw away your ice-cream cartons -- that is, if there is any little member of your family interested in doll's furniture!"

From 1936, a copy of McCall's Needlework, with (among many other things) instructions on making this furniture on page 52 .  A free download from the Antique Pattern Library.


  1. Lots and lots of good stuff in that issue. Thanks so much for searching out these things.

  2. I'm wondering what would happen to my Bernina if I tried to make the burlap rug (in the magazine) on it.

  3. We used egg cartons and TP rolls top make furniture for our trolls (Mom banned Barbie as a false sense of girl). Toothpaste caps filled with glue and toothpick stuck in will become a plant once you add tissue paper. Your Bernina will HATE you if you sew burlap. Just saying...

  4. I have a 1940 Singer with all of the attachments including the rug maker. Dare I?

  5. Do you have the thing that looks like a very long two pronged fork you wind wool over, then stitch down the centre gap? Yes. Dare.
