Thursday, April 16, 2020

"Bleeding Like A Stuck Pig" Doesn't Begin To Cover It

Little Miss Innocent trying to hide under my knitting

Little Man trapped Sheba in the upstairs bathroom and Brian gallantly went to her rescue.


  1. Poor girlie looks traumatized. How's the other combatant?

  2. He was bleeding profusely from the ear and forehead but cleaned himself up without help from me.

    Little Man was of course untouched.

  3. Spousa Unit should know better than to try to moderate a cat/dog fight. Hope there are no serious scars.

  4. Next time, I recommend a squirt bottle (or bucket of water) and a corn broom. It hurts. I had my forearm shredded by a rescue cat on her way to the vet, startled by a passing dog who didn't even notice her. Man deserves a combat ribbon at least.
